WHO Poll

side effect 10:07 Sat Sep 10
What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
Me and my two kids so that's 3 so far. Be interesting to hear your predictions.

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bruuuno 1:34 Fri Sep 23
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
Might just do that. Sick of all these boohoo my upton park comfort blanket blanket has gone cunts

Gavros 1:31 Fri Sep 23
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
Join the #Truribclub party bruuuno son. These slug and lettuce Brentwood types aren't the future. They're hardly our past.

By the Wat @secretpub was bless fully quiet last night being off the beaten track as it is.

bruuuno 1:27 Fri Sep 23
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
I have a 30" waist and I quite like the OS

Gavros 1:12 Fri Sep 23
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
My 28 inch jeans do naturally worry the more rotund amongst our support. As does the quiff and long beard. I'm not making any excuses though.WE are the future. ESSEX is the past.

HairyHammer 1:09 Fri Sep 23
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
Born stickle

Cannot disagree with that mate.

Buster 10:35 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
I was stood next to one all game, Toms son.

Tomshardware 10:32 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
Seeing more and more of these skinny jean towie types than ever before.

dicksie3 10:30 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
The GOGGLEBOX'ERS don't want any locals!

They fake tan themselves up to the eyeballs to get more brown but they hate non-whites with a passion!

Odd bunch!

Bom Stickle 10:12 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
I don't have a problem with that Hairy. In fact it's quite nice to see ethnic minorities supporting the club and makes a change from seeing them in Arsenal, ManU, Liverpool and Chelsea kits. I do have a massive problem with people that dont even watch the game and don't even bother get up when we score*

* This does not include disabled fans.

HairyHammer 9:41 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
The truth is that you cannot fill a 50,000 stadium with everyone singing from the same hymn sheet, not everyone will be loud and vocal you have no choice but to attract some people who may not always go to football games.

In front of me I had what I would suggest was a British Pakistani family a husband his wife and their two children who were both decked in their hammers kits they sat quietly throughout, what did I think, I actually thought that is sweet, why not maybe they will not go to every game and they are just there for the experience why should they not be there?, our core support will always scream their eyes out and be vocal I am far too old to scream and shout although I moan throughout.

Bom Stickle 6:40 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
Haha. Fucking facebook, instagram, betting sites. This wanker was doing my head in. There were a fare share of knobheads over Upton Park but they were normally in the West Stand, these cunts are spreading all over.

We still have a good chance to makevthe stadium superb but we need to get this type of person out......and anyone buying popcorn.

Buster 6:30 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
Bom Stickle 6:27 Thu Sep 22

That was 13BR posting on WHO.

Bom Stickle 6:27 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
I forgot about some bloke in the BML yesterday, he sat down throughout the game and had two phones on the go all the time, barely looking up every 5 minutes to look at the pitch and then face down in his phones again.

What is the point of cunts like this, why not sit at home and do that shit, at least you might get a decent reception. If he watched 10 minutes of the match I'd be surprised.

Gavros 6:15 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
as i REVEALED to Buster last night, in ten years time we'll own the thing, and then we'll do what we want to it.

Baggins 6:08 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
"some actually looked and acted like they were not quite sure what they were doing there."

One of the biggest issues I have so far. These people don't even seem like they enjoy football or know anything about it, let alone support West Ham. I'm hoping they very quickly get bored and stop going.

dicksie3 6:00 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
None of that bothers to me, B6NY B son, but each to their own.

PS - I will be saddened to see our old ground knocked-down, if I'm being honest and not a wind-up wanker for once.

Still, in my opinion, we've made the right choice to move and this will become more and more obvious in time.

HairyHammer 5:59 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
You cannot please everyone it is not possible, it is about your character your age and your mindset, some people are not threatened by change, others cannot stand it .

Although I do have some sympathy for those who are unhappy I cannot take them seriously because what they are asking for when some of them talk is basically a return to Upton Park and that is not going to happen If Accrington Stanley can play well on that pitch and their few hundred or couple of thousand (Not sure) supporters can make a big atmosphere from their support, which credit to them they did not shut up throughout and did Accrington Proud, why can't we what is the problem why are you still moaning?

B6NY B 4:57 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
Bit like anyone who thinks the stadium is shit is a druid?

I would have been happy with moving IF it was better, it's not. End of for me, unless they move the sides closer and the gap between upper and lower behind the goals.

dicksie3 4:48 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
So, anyone who likes the stadium is mentally retarded now?!

Why?! Because the only three things that matter (views, atmosphere and beers) are all more than satisfactory?!

I've been called worse!

B6NY B 4:37 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
Superb seeing the SIMPLE SPASTICS chuffed with the ground and all that's gone on. Deep down they're gutted it's a pile of shit though.

Like, really gutted.

simon.s 4:35 Thu Sep 22
Re: What do you think the Accrington Stanley attendance will be
It was a bit of a motley crew, stewie. Geezer behind kept banging on that he was related to Randolph, some actually looked and acted like they were not quite sure what they were doing there.

I retired to the party decks at HT and unfortunately never made it back.

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